Published by Spring Training Media on October 23, 2017
Genres: Coming of Age, Sports Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 260
Format: AudioBook, Kindle, Paperback
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Empty Seats by Wanda Adams Fischer
What Little Leaguer doesn’t dream of taking to the mound and striking out one of his heroes? This novel follows three such dreamers who were drafted to play minor league ball, thinking it would be an easy ride to playing in the big time. Little did they know that they’d be vying for a spot with every other talented kid who aspired to play professional baseball. Young, inexperienced, immature, and without the support of their families and friends, they’re often faced with split-second decisions. Not always on the baseball diamond.
In her debut novel, Empty Seats, author Wanda Adams Fischer hits it out of the park with this wonderful story which takes readers on a delightful journey of the unexpected friendships, triumphs and disappointments of three young men whose goals are to make it to the big leagues in baseball.
Jim, Bud and Bobby, all hometown baseball stars are drafted to the minor leagues, each with the dream of making it to the big time major leagues. With excitement and confidence in their abilities, reality soon sets in as these three pitchers find out the difficult challenges, choices and eventual consequences that lie ahead for them. Set in the 1970’s, this is a fascinating story of the great sport of baseball which took me back to my own time with my brothers playing ball. Fischer’s fabulous detailed descriptions of the characters, scenes and settings is truly impressive and vivid. I totally felt like I was there on the scene watching on as the story unfolded while experiencing nostalgic and happy feelings.
Empty Seats by Wanda Adams Fischer is an exceptional coming of age story filled with life’s ups and downs with the majority of the narrative revolving around the life of each of the three young men. Each of their stories are compelling, poignant and will touch readers on many levels. With different backgrounds and family lives, along with their interesting personalities, I was able to relate to them, fully engage with each of their storylines, and how they each connected with one another – which impressed and moved me. This is not just a story of baseball, and is not just for lovers of the sport. It is a remarkably well written story about life, growing up, making choices and dealing with the consequences, family and friendship. Sad at times, but an overall feel good book. It will bring up familiar emotions and memories of the good times and struggles of yesteryear, as well as life in general.
Written in short easy to read chapters, along with author, Wanda Adams Fischer’s obvious passion, knowledge and love for baseball, and her keen understanding of the human condition, this an extraordinary must read book for readers who love the exciting sport baseball, as well as, coming of age stories with all its struggles and triumphs.
Reviewed by Chick Lit Cafe
Purchase Empty Seats by Wanda Adams Fischer today!