The Last Roman: Book One: Exile by
B.K. Greenwood Buy on Amazon
The retelling of Christ’s crucifixion is controversial, and to introduce as a hero the man who killed Christ and to portray the Apostle Thomas as an anti-hero is almost sacrilegious. Almost. Greenwood bravely gives us a story that is original and nuanced: it’s not your typical good vs. evil as the characters are neither steadfastly pious nor irredeemably faithless. The exposition is slowly fed among the backdrop of nonstop action and the motivations behind the main characters make sense, for the most part.My take on our two main characters. Throw Lucius Vorenus, Neo, Batman, and Jason Bourne in a blender and sprinkle some John McClane on top. Blend until smooth and you’ve got Marcus, our hero: A Roman soldier, who must endure the burden of killing the King of the Jews. He channels the consequences of his actions to become a crusader, if not believer, of Christianity. Then there’s Thomas, devout follower of Christ (after he was convinced to remove his doubt, mind you), who travels the Roman Empire spreading the gospel. But Thomas is fickle where Marcus is steadfast. One tragic event happens and he succumbs to the dark side. He’s a little bit Darth Vader (but NOT Marcus’s father – at least in this book!), with a Michael Corleone vibe going on.Greenwood gives us a unique twist on the most iconic and sacred stories of man. Who messes with the New Testament without summoning a lightening strike? It ends with a cliffhanger and I can’t wait to see what happens because I was left with a definite unsettling chill in my bones. With superb historical authenticity, Chick Lit Cafe highly recommends by B.K. Greenwood.
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