S.A. Hemstock – Featured Author

Alt="s.a. hemstock"Bio:

Hailing from the Republic of Ireland, a country that hasn’t had its own monarchy for centuries, S.A. Hemstock nevertheless developed a keen interest in the histories of European royalty which came in very handy when writing The Hothouse PrincessesA scholar’s fascination with ancient world mythology, folklore and a traditional background in oral storytelling didn’t hurt either.

When she’s not researching old legends or puzzling out 16th century women’s undergarment fashion, she enjoys baking ridiculous amounts of cake, sewing, painting and trying to make sense of modern art. She also enjoys horror films, the creepier the better. In some circles she’s known as the Pied Piper, because reciting fairytales and giving impromtu art lessons are always popular with children at any social gatherings.

She lives in a rural part of Ireland with a large dog and a suspiciously circular crop of mushrooms. (Fairy ring or just fungus…who knows?)

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