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The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls by Julie Farray Roick
The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls: Transformative Soulful Practices Gleaned From One Woman’s Mostly Ordinary Life by Julie Roick
Perfect for fans of Man’s Search for Meaning and The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, Julie Farray Roick’s debut, The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls is a radiant treasure on the journey to the genuine awakening of our true destiny.
Whether this is your first delve into a healthier and balanced life, or this is an additional tool to keep you centered, this book teaches you to finally understand your perception of yourself and others around you. Come explore a new, natural, and comfortable sacred mindset through mindfulness exercises and inspiring tales of struggle and strength.
This insightful book is packed with sincere stories from the author and reflective reader participation to help you live your best, most enlightened life. Prepare to experience a graceful shift in consciousness that will guide you to bright and fulfilled relationships with your true self and the world around you.
Blending the inner exploration of The Untethered Soul and the intentional instruction of Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday, Julie Farray Roick’s impactful guide is exactly what your spirit craves.
Chick Lit Café book review
Don’t we all wish for a more peaceful life? To feel more deeply connected with ourselves and others? In her book, The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls, Julie Roick shows us exactly how to get to this state.
Julie’s book walks through several different methods and steps required to shed the stories the world has told us in order to uncover the peaceful enlightened self that would allow each of us to not only have our own internal peace, but also to share this peace with the wider world. Her methods include journaling as well as incorporating new daily spiritual practices. She shares prompts and reflections that she herself uses on a daily basis alongside stories from her own life which are interspersed throughout the story like stepping stones.
Julie is brave and vulnerable; she shows us how many missteps were involved before she reached her more-happily-ever-after ending (as she’d say—it’s a continual work in progress). I truly appreciate this authenticity and vulnerability; the stories felt real because she has lived them and thus her advice is like a wonderful conversation over coffee with a friend than a pretentious self-help book. Julie’s writing style is down to earth, it’s honest and friendly, and because of these things, she feels easily relatable, trustworthy and human. This combination, I believe, made me feel like I could also achieve the same wonderful peace of mind and heart that she has found and presents in her inspiring, gentle and powerful book.
“Living with an open heart, in the present moment, filled with letting go, acceptance and surrender, opens up the possibilities for those True Self values to manifest in your life, in ways you would never expect. When we change, the people around us change, our lives change and thank goodness, our world changes”. In The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls, Julie Roick shares her humanity with us in a quiet, but powerful conversation; her vulnerability and shared experience will help each reader uncover his or her own gifts in a beautiful way.
The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls: Transformative Soulful Practices Gleaned From One Woman’s Mostly Ordinary Life by Julie Farray Roick comes highly recommended by Chick Lit Café Book Reviews. Book reviewed by Rachel McMahon for Chick Lit Café.
Buy The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls by Julie Farray Roick today!!
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