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The Crew by Michael Mohr
When Jack Donnigan—a naïve, protected 16-year-old sophomore at St. Andy’s Prep in Southern California in 2000—jumps into The Crew, a renegade punk rock clique on campus led by the nefarious and intelligent Cannonball, he is thrilled. But he soon challenges Cannon’s leadership by starting a secret relationship with Cannon’s chosen girl, Sarah, and by jumping on stage at live punk shows, displaying more bravery to the rest of the members.
Jack’s relationship with mom and dad becomes increasingly strained. He stays out late and rebels for the first time, enjoying his freedom and wild experimentation. The faculty at St. Andy’s—wanting to dismantle the cult hero status of The Crew on campus—organize a coup. They plan to nail the perceived leader: Jack Donnigan, who’s been conned by Cannonball.
Meanwhile, Sarah and Jack decide to run away to Jack’s uncle’s in San Francisco, flee their small town and live “real life.” Jack’s mentor is his beloved but unconventional English teacher, Mr. Bryce. When the faculty nail Jack, Mr. Bryce does his best to save the floundering student. But when Jack is finally kicked out of his folks’ home, and Cannonball connives to drum up drama, stealing Sarah back by spreading a web of lies, who will save him from himself?
In The Crew, Michael Mohr magically takes readers back in time to the year 2000. Through the eyes of a teenager, he shares what it’s like to go from a bottom-feeding nerd to a die-hard punk overnight—an evocative perspective that you won’t want to miss.
Jack Donnigan is just beginning to understand what it’s like to be a teenager. He’s got pent-up resentment toward his mother and is frustrated with his status as a dweeb. That is, until D.D. (short for Demon DeLorean), one of the prep school’s insurgents, pulls him into “The Crew,” a rebellious punk rock clique. In “The Crew,” Jack discovers a whole new world of freedom. No one can tell him what to do anymore. But after a while of concerts, girls, alcohol, and rule breaking, he begins to question how punk it actually is to be part of a clique.
This is an eye-opening, and cultural deep dive into a specific time in Southern California when punk was revived. Michael Mohr is a terrific writer, creating a true-to-the-core teenage protagonist. Jack’s character is interesting. He realizes he is now a man and can make his own decisions. But where those decisions lead him is often disastrous territory. The punk culture might not have led him down the best path, but it did teach him how to think for himself.
Overall, The Crew is a one-of-a-kind young adult fiction piece. It’s more than just a novel—it’s a raw and compelling glimpse into the transformative power of finding your own voice. With its great writing, notable coming-of-age theme, clever message for young adults along with deep character exploration, it’s an unforgettable story that is recommended by Chick Lit Book Café! Book read and reviewed by Micah Giordonela for CLBC Multi-Genre, Literary Review Group.
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The Crew by Michael Mohr
CLBC Book Excellence Award Winner
Young Adult Literary Fiction
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