Ayn Dillard has experienced much in her life prompting much self-reflection. She is a self-proclaimed know-it-all and loves sharing what she has experienced and learned with others. She acknowledges that just when you think you have something figured out, or even in that magical moment when you think that you ‘get’ it or even know-it-all – your inner or outer world will change or shift to make you – even force you – to become more aware. So that you are able to realize growth and expand – to become more than you ever thought possible. It’s life’s grandest journey and an amazing process – if you are aware and allow it to occur.
She is a former ballet dancer and former interior designer – primarily art and antiques. She enjoys cooking, physical fitness, all creative endeavors; such as writing, movies, the performing arts, artwork and design.
When you become more and more aware by self-reflection and process all your emotions as they arise and as is appropriate – you will feel younger, happier and more full of life than ever before. But first you must become aware of what you are feeling and why.
Ayn takes the reader on an enlightening and transforming journey. She articulates a message of self-awareness and strength that stems from an independent and determined mindset. Ayn says, “I love to write, but most importantly, through my book, I want to bring to light self-awareness through a process of how we can release limiting imprints and negative beliefs that familial and life experiences may leave upon us, in order that we are able to live a more fulfilling and emotionally healthy life – a life of awareness, healing and choice. When we have pain, we can either run towards and through it or away from it. At times, we need to run towards it to arrive at release and healing – other times, to step away. It takes awareness to know which will best serve us.
“Difficulties exist only so that in overcoming them,
we may grow strong. Only those who have
suffered and overcome are able to help others.”
Ayn Dillard
Ayn and her books were selected and are featured in FOCUS ON WOMEN MAGAZINE –
The focus group of readers deemed her books – the Balm of Gilead – ‘healing for many’.
Ayn Dillard is the author of two must read books – Daddy Throws Me In The Air and Feast of Men
“I learned to fly and my spirit soared and so can you.” — Author Ayn Dillard
Connect with Author Ayn Dillard
Website – Must Visit – Inspiring & Explosive
Amazon Author Page
Read CLC’s captivating book reviews for Ayn Dillard’s fabulous must read books
Feast of Men
Daddy Throws Me in the Air
Ayn’s website www.womenexplode.com – signed soft cover copies are available to order through Ayn’s website as well as e-books.