Ed – For Love and Hope – Book Review

by Marguerite Nardone Gruen
Genres: Contemporary, Drama, Romance
Format: Kindle, Paperback

Alt=" ed - for love and hope"Ed – For Love and Hope

by Marguerite Nardone Gruen

For decades, Ed Meehan was the most popular singer/songwriter on the planet. Every woman thought his songs were written for them alone. But it wasn’t just women who were drawn to his music. His words reached everyone in one way or another. There was something special about him that people picked up on and no one knew what it was. With one exception: Chase Martin, of the Band 4. More like a brother than a friend, Chase alone knew that when Ed was just a young man, he had fallen in love with an older woman, who survived a terminal illness just long enough for them to find each other, fall in love, and be married.

Chase Martin and his bandmates, as well as their wives and children, had adopted Ed as one of their own. With them, he knew the joys and comforts of family, but his heart would always belong to his late wife. With her on the other side―waiting for him―Ed and Chase were the only ones who knew about the pact the couple had made, to meet again in their next lives.

His adopted family knew love. They were practically the embodiment of it, having a very special connection to one another that Ed laughingly referred to as “spooky.” It was only after decades had passed that their family would be asked to put that connection to good use, reuniting their beloved friend with his long lost love―the woman for whom all his songs were truly written.

But was such a thing even possible?…


This is a beautiful story of family, love and relationships. It is the sequel to the much loved and praised book “The Band 4” written by the same author. It continues on with the same characters as their lives evolve, but this story is specifically about the character “Ed.” It is a story about love and hope.

Ed was a famous singer/songwriter that swept women away with the lyrics of his songs. They felt like he was speaking just to them. Decades later, everyone still loves Ed. He is charismatic and charming. He has a way about him that people love and are drawn to. He is special and no one understood why. Except his friend Chase Martin of “The Band 4.” Chase was like a brother to Ed. And he knew that Ed had loved a woman so deeply that all his songs were about her.

Ed was adopted into the closely knit family of “The Band 4” and their families. They loved him as one of their own. Ed was blown away by the love, compassion, commitment and support that this family gave him. They were all one family that could practically read each other’s minds-that’s how close they were. Ed felt the joy and comfort of family but his heart belonged to his late wife and he could never forget her.

Before she died they had told each other that they would meet on the other side. With the help of his of his adopted family, Ed was determined to make that happen

Ed – For Love and Hope is rich and fulfilling. It’s a one of a kind story about the deep love of family and friends. I was touched deeply as I read through the story quickly.

Marguerite Nadone Gruen has created a wonderful story filled with emotion and passion.

Ed- For Love and Hope is exciting and interesting. I fell in love with the characters. They are each multidimensional and woven into the storyline with skill. Readers will love the plot and the ending.

The characters and storyline are realistic and notable.

The writing is excellent with no editing errors. The writing style fits the premise of the storyline precisely. The plot is well thought out and very absorbing. I couldn’t put this entertaining, highly engrossing, book down. I felt as if I knew the characters and was watching from the sidelines, rather than reading it.

If you are looking for an excellent read that is filled with emotion, love and hope, then Ed – For Love and Hope is for you.

Women of all ages will definitely fall in love with this book.

I am looking forward to the next fabulous book in this trilogy.

Purchase Ed – For Love and Hope @ Amazon Now

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