Book Promotion & Marketing

Book Promotion & Marketing
It takes expert book marketing know how these days to bring a book the high exposure – in the right places-  it needs to be successful.
We have experts who do just that.
What is the number one question authors always ask us?

Question – What is the key to an author’s success in terms of a obtaining a signifigant number of book sales that will continue to come in now and in the future, building a large base of readers and dedicated fans who will post reviews for my book, and also making a name for myself as a credible sought after published author?

Answer– A very high amount of exposure for a book in the right places across the literary community and on popular news and magazine webites, is the most important aspect for an author to strive for in order for success, to achieve notoriety and to sell a lot of copies on a continual basis.

Chick Lit Café author services writes professional, captivating book reviews that will make your book shine and stand our from the rest in its genre. We execute a series of effective “genre targeted” marketing campaigns, and social media book promotion to increase your book’s exposure and your book sales immediately. With our many proven marketing strategies and various key methods that work and expert SEO tactics, your book sales will increase and continue to sell well over a period of time and long after our book marketing campaign has been completed.

Author Testimonials

CLC is a multi-award winning website in the visual and content categories. We have many excellent AUTHOR TESTIMONIALS expressing their appreciation of the success of our proven book marketing services we provided for them and their book(s). These are worth reading as you will discover our worth and how we effectively help authors to successfully sell their books and make a name for themselves in the literary community and among readers. 

Why Authors Need Professional Book Marketing Help

With approximately 4 million books being published yearly, the competition is extremely high. In order to for your book to be visible and be discovered among many readers and in order to sell numerous copies, you must get online and work it. You must have understanding and connections, be everywhere on online gaining exposure for yourself as a published author and getting your book a huge amount of exposure – and that takes time, effort and the know-how. And who has time to tackle that monster?

Exposure for Your Book is Vital

Our team here at CLBC will do the hard work of gaining ongoing high exposure for you and your book. We have multiple online connections, high profile book marketing partners and book promotion collaborators along with their numerous book marketing partners and their email subscribers and social media influencers platforms.  We also have multiple social media accounts with numerous followers within our own large network. We are contributors to several of the most important and prominent book media and book news magazines online. We can be found everywhere online.

CLBC Professional Book Reviewers & Expert Book Marketing Team

CLBC employs many educated professionals. We have an extraordinary team of educated book marketing experts and book/author exposure specialists​, educated talented book reviewers/writers, top social media book promotion influencers with huge followings of avid reders, Email book marketing specialists and author platform, and author brand experts. 

We are fully connected with many book related websites, magazines, book news sites, readers clubs, forums and blogs. We are a popular, award winning site for readers that trust us to provide them with the very best and great book recommendations. We are highly visible online with hundreds of thousands of visitors to our website and daily social media platforms followers. People from all over, readers and book lovers are drawn to us and love our website.

CLBC’s Worldwide Reach of Avid and Casual Readers

Chick Lit Cafe’s website visitors and email subscriber list consists of numerous avid readers of all genres ready to purchase books, including publishers, literary agents, publicists, librarians, booksellers, teachers, professors, screen writers, authors, various book industry and media professionals – and serendipitous visitors and curious onlookers who are intrigued, love our website – and who end up purchasing our authors books.

When we set out to create an effective presence for our authors online, we get the job done.

We do it right. No wasted time or effort. We know exactly where to go and whom to connect with.

With CLBC – Reach Your Goals of Many New Fans, Substantial Book Sales & Ongoing Success

What is your goal? To sell books right? To get your work in the hands of numerous avid readers and fans of your genre and even hook readers outside of your genre. To make a recognizable and authentic name for yourself in the book industry.

Get in touch with Chick Lit Cafe and we will do the hard work of exposing and giving visibilty to your book to the multitudes of avid readers across the literary community through our comprehnsive system and targeted marketing methods and strategies.  Promoting your book, connecting you with avid readers and getting your book and author name a ton of exposure and out there in the public eye is our specialty. The rest will be up to you. You can concentrate on writing.

Click to Read Our Author Testimonials 
Click to Submit Your Book for Our Book Reviews and/or Promotion Services

Note: Approval for Our Services
Because we receive so many requests for our services and the fact that we strive to recommend the very best quality, bona fide original and unputdownable books and novels to readers, we must remain very selective as to the books and authors we review, promote and recommend. We examine each book that is submitted to us for our author services. Our team examines every thing we can to find out about the book and author. Then our team votes on each book that is submitted for approval for our book review and marketing services. We consider all genres, and all authors whether indie, traditional, new or established. We work with them all and have helped many achieve success and go on to be best selling authors and even win awards. .

Click to Read Our Author Testimonials 

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Services include but are not limited to:
  • Professional exciting book reviews to make your book shine & stand out
  • Book promotion by various methods and strategies on our website and our extended sites including our social media “network” of platforms
  • Social media book promotion – perfromed by expert social media infleuncers with high traffic book and reader platforms – Powerful Long Term Social Media Promotion & Influencing
  • Comprehensive marketing campaigns for high exposure, visibility & book discoverabilty (contect us for full details of our many expert methods) – Extensive Book Review & Targeted Customized Book & Author Marketing Campaign
  • Email promotion – Series of customized highly efffective email book marketing campaigns – Email book marketing campaign to hundreds of thousands of avid readers and subscribers
  • Paid for advertisement and features of books and novels through many various techniques, and of the most proven effective and successful methods throughout the literary community
  • Author Interviews
  • Author Spotlight pages
  • Advertisemnts of books and novels on our popular, high traffic websites (numerous daily visitors of avid readers ) – which brings in many sales when readers click on the book cover and buy the books. – Advertise & Feature your book on every single page of our website– Your book will be featured under “Featured Favorites or Best Sellers” on every single page of our website.
  • CLC Book Excellence Award contest for various genres of books and novels. A coveted award contest among many authors.
  • Posting of our captivating and compelling review of your book on many booksellers websites, Goodreads, Medium, LibraryThing and many other sites where your book is listed for sale or featured.
  • Extras
  • Book description/blurb writing
  • Editing services
  • Press releases
  • Book cover reveals
  • Amazon Author Central help
With our built-in marketing technology and SEO experts, our authors experience a high rate of overall success !

We have numerous readers who love all different genres, so no matter what your book’s genre is, we have plenty of readers that will appreciate and be interested in it.

Alt="chick lit cafe authors submit your book for review"PLAN #2. Book Review & “Extensive” Targeted Marketing Campaign

(This is just an example of “just some” of the work we do and the methods we utilize for Plan #2. There is much more work that we do using various proven effective strategies with marketing partners and book promo colabbortors with their startegies or promoting our authors books to their readers as well. We are highly connected throughout the literary community.. Please submit your book and author info for approval and more information.)

Professional captivating review of your book wirtten by our edcuatated creative worters who will bring out the best in your book.

Customized Email book marketing campaign sent out severla times to our several and numerous lists of avid readers and subscribers.

Along with the above mentioned social media book and author promotion, CLC  steps it up to the extreme with our targeted and customized marketing strategies.

We post and do customized features of our authors books and novels along with our book review or blurbs of it to several well-known prominent online book and reader magazines and news sites. We market and post our authors books on top book related websites with ads, striking featured write ups and posts – grabbing the attnetion of readers.

We also post and feature our books to several of the leading major book club sites, book blogs and book libraries. We will add your book and review to many esteemed book sites targeted for your book genre.

We will have your book tweeted out to more hundreds of thousands of followers from various prominent high traffic book related websites and their twitter platfrms and social media influncers book tweet work..

We have many marketing strategies and tactics that we don’t list here becuase they are so effective that we keep them secret from the general public and other so called book promotion websites. They try to contact us for information to steal our methiods and success.

Combined, all of our extensive efforts, and the sites that we will market your book on, adds up to hundreds of thousands (plus) of followers and readers. Therefore, creating excitement and keen interest in your writing and book(s), which ultimately results in frequent and numerous book sales. All of these published marketing posts are “permanent,” which means that sales will continue to come in long after your marketing campaign has been completed.

AUTHOR VISIBILITY – Expert positioning & SEO to key media outlets

Your book will be seen by hundreds of thousands, and many times millions, of readers.

With our built-in marketing technology our authors experience a high rate of overall success !

The more sites your book is featured on, the more of a strong online presence you will have and the more books you will ultimately sell.


Key Positioning. With our built-in marketing technology our authors experience a high rate of overall success !

➥You will get maximum exposure for you & your book.

➥To sell more books, authors must have a highly visible online presence. We will do that hard work for you.


Click to read what our authors are saying about Chick Lit Cafe’s author services.

Contact Us  For More Details and to Find Out About Our Cost Effective Pricing
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Finally, we have many requests for reviews and marketing and a waiting list, so contact us immediately to submit your book for consideration or for more information. We will answer any questions or special requests that you may have. We are here, and extremely motivated, to help with the success of you and your book(s).

➥Many of our authors report a large spike in sales that continue on afterward, a gift that keeps on giving.

Contact Us for Details and Cost Effective Pricing

We hope to hear from you soon.



We stick to ethical and honest reviewing in keeping with the standards of the writing community.

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