Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics – Yossi Lapid

by Yossi Lapid
Genres: Children, Inspirational, Kid's Lit
Format: Kindle, Paperback

Alt="snowman paul"Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics


Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics Yossi Lapid

Snowman Paul finds a new way to enjoy the Winter Olympics!

Everything is about to change when Snowman Paul is invited to serve as a referee at the Winter Games! But, will this opportunity to bask in Olympic glory spoil Snowman Paul’s friendship with Dan and all the other kids?

This book teaches your kid the meaning of true friendship and the importance of being true to yourself!
“This lovely children’s book… is about all the values we would like our own children to embrace, and it… will enchant young readers!”  Reader’s Favorite 

Look, I must study all of this.
These are the rules I cannot miss.
Here are some things I still must get.
And this is stuff I can’t forget.
I can no longer play with you.”
“But Paul,” I asked, “what will we do?”
“Don’t know…” said Paul. “Let’s wait and see.
Now I must learn to referee!”

Are you ready to experience the Olympic thrill?


In this volume of the Snowman Paul series by Yossi Lapid, Snowman Paul has been invited to be a referee at the Winter Olympic Games. He has tons to learn about being an Olympic referee. He must study hard and learn the rules. He tells his friend that he cannot play with them because he has too much learning to do.

All his friends are busy playing all sorts of games and having fun. But they miss Snowman Paul and encourage him to play with them. As Paul carries on being the referee, he begins to realize that he is missing out on all the fun he could be having with his best friends.

Snowman Paul begins to peek and watch his friends playing and having so much fun. One day he asks Dan if he can join in and play too. Paul said that he would rather be with his friends and play. In the end Snowman Paul was still honored and carried the Olympic flame at the Winter Olympic Games.

This story is heartwarming and tender. As in all of Yossi Lapid’s books there is always an important moral to the story for children to learn. In this case Paul thinks that want he really wants is to be a referee. He gives it his all and sets aside his friends for a while. But then he discovers that he would rather be with his friends. Dan welcomes him back with love and kindness. This is a sensational story about the importance of friendship, being a good friend and being true to yourself.

The illustrations are beautiful and vivid with a softness to them. The size of the characters is big and perfect for young children. I read this story to my granddaughters and they loved it and had me read it again and again.

I love Yossi Lapid’s Snowman Paul’s stories. They teach young children simple yet valuable lessons. The books themselves are charming and sweet. And I do love the illustrations.

I’m looking forward to reading the next Snowman Paul book to my eager grandchildren.

I highly recommend that parents and relatives pick up a copy of Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics and read it to the children in their lives. They will love it and thank you for it.

Purchase Snowman Paul Returns to the Winter Olympics @ Amazon

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