Keeping Sam by Joanne Phillips – Book Review

by Joanna Phillips
Genres: Contemporary, Drama, Inspirational
Format: Kindle, Paperback

Alt="keeping sam"Keeping Sam by Joanne Phillips

When Kate wakes up from a year-long coma, the first person she asks for is her son. Recovering from a head injury and getting back on her feet takes all of Kate’s energy, but toddler Sam has left a hole in her heart – a hole that isn’t healed by the knowledge that Sam is being cared for by Kate’s mother. Estranged from her parents since she was eighteen, Kate soon discovers they took Sam home to Cornwall months ago, convinced Kate would never wake up … By the time Kate is well enough to reclaim her son she is frantic with worry. Why hasn’t her mother brought Sam to see her? Why haven’t they replied to any of her letters? And why will no one talk to her about the circumstances around her injuries?

Kate is a young mother who gets attacked and ends up in a coma for almost a year. Her parents obtained custody of Kate’s toddler son when they thought that she wasn’t going to ever wake up.

But she did wake up, only to find that she had lost her son to her parents. As she recovers from her head injury and learns to walk again, Kate is only interested in getting her son back. But Kate’s mom, of whom she is estranged from, wants to keep Sam, Kate’s son. Kate is pain-stricken with worry and works hard to fully recover from her head trauma. In the meantime Kate’s mother hasn’t even brought Sam to see his mother. Kate is furious and anxious. She gets caught up in the red tape of the legal system and fights hard to get her son back. And why will no one talk to her about what happened to her and who attacked her?

Keeping Sam is a roller coaster filled with emotion and passion as one mother fights to get her son back from her parents and the legal system. It is an exceptional contemporary read and very interesting. It’s a complex realistic drama about modern day families. It touches on relationships and dysfunctional families. Kate is anxious and frustrated, as any mother would be if they were in her situation. Her relationship with her mother is strained and her mother doesn’t want to give up Sam, Kate’s son.

I found Keeping Sam by Joanne Phillips to be an engaging relatable story that many readers will like. I was caught up in the drama of the family dynamics and Kate’s struggle. I found myself filled with emotions such as, anger, sorrow and hope. The tension between Kate and her parents are revealed in a clever skillful way.

Joanne Phillips has introduced some more lighthearted moments in this story in the form of Kate’s landlady, Marie, and the love of her life Tony. All the characters have their place in this book and are well developed. Kate, and her mother Barbara, are both interesting and multidimensional characters, with strengths and weaknesses that we all have. The rest of the characters are nice additions to the story and help to give it life and interest. . I found the dialog between Kate and her mother, Barbara, to be especially interesting and well composed.

There is a little mystery and romance, but no sex or bad language, which I found refreshing. It’s a well written and narrated story

Overall, Keeping Sam by Joanne Phillips, is a poignant and likable story about one mother’s struggle to keep her child. The storyline is compelling and unique. Readers will be interested in this dysfunctional family. I believe many will relate to the modern day relationships and scenario. The ending was satisfying and conclusive.

This is the first book that I have read by Joanne Phillips and I am delightfully pleased. She is an excellent creative writer. I am going to pick up one her romance or cozy mysteries books that she is better known for. I am anxiously looking forward to reading more by her.

Chick Lit Cafe gives Keeping Sam 5 big stars.

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