The Knife Thrower’s Wife by Sheila McGraw

by Sheila McGraw
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Alt="the knife thrower’s wife"The Knife Thrower’s Wife by Sheila McGraw

Illustrator Julia Green believes she’s living the American dream in suburban Houston, until she begins having sleepwalking nightmares featuring her husband, Austin, as a knife thrower with scantily clad Julia strapped to his target. And Austin’s aim is regrettably poor.

Julia paints scenes from her dreams, and in analyzing them, realizes that what her friend, Trix, said is true, that ‘she doesn’t see what is right in front of her’. Soon, as Julia questions her lifestyle and state of mind, her observations light the wick on an explosive cache of suspicions and repressed secrets.

When an unexpected tragedy occurs, Julia becomes the focus of the media and police, and she must cast off her submissive persona, find inner strength, and navigate treacherous waters to her long-overdue awakening.


The Knife Thrower’s Wife by Sheila McGraw is a clever, edgy murder mystery.  With a superb sense of drama and a spot-on psychological plot, this book was hard to put down.

I loved the tone of this book, while the plot is dark and takes us into hints of abuse and then murder, the accent is light and charming.  You instantly like the damsel in distress; you root for her when she begins to poke her head above the firing line and stand up for herself.  Sheila McGraw has woven female banter that makes you smile into this rather dark and thrilling walk through murder, along with the internal diagnosis of a broken woman’s thought process.  Outwardly, Julia is an attractive, talented freelance illustrator, happily married, mother of two and living in Houston suburbia.  Inwardly, the past has been squashed and the present is overshadowed by dramatic and memorable nightmares.  And the future’s not looking so good.

Not only does this tale have an awesome title and book cover, but also an adept, well-thought-out plot.  Lots of details make it feel very realistic.  I found all the characters well-structured and interesting.  Her best friend and fellow artist Trix, was a great supporting cast member as were her twin children.  The mystery unravels and culminates with a court case that was spot on and very believable.  My favorite line: The mushroom analogy – kept in the dark and fed shit!

Sheila McGraw has crafted a deeply psychological murder mystery, but has written it with a light tone to soften the trauma of murder; I found this made it an extremely enjoyable read.  The Knife Thrower’s Wife by Sheila McGraw comes highly recommended by Chick Lit Café.

                       Purchase The Knife Thrower’s Wife by Sheila McGraw today and enjoy!
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The Knife Thrower’s Wife by Sheila McGraw
Published by White Bird Publications on September 29, 2020
Genres: Domestic SuspenseMurder MysteryMysteryThriller
Pages: 340
Format: KindlePaperback
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