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Not Literary by Auriane de Rudder
Whew! 2020, am I right? Light, reckless and carefree, Not Literary is a collection of stories about people who are authentically themselves, be it for better or for worse. A Catholic stripper, the world’s fattest man, college kids on hard hallucinogens, a neighborhood haunted by Ravers, and, of course, The Nashville Shitter are just a few of the characters you’re about to party with.Cuz’ 2020 is over, baby. Let’s have some fun.
Book review:
Not Literary by Auriane de Rudder is a great read and a lot of fun for people wanting to reminisce about their crazy days of youth!
Not Literary is a set of nine short stories. Be prepared to be shocked, amused and entertained! If you are looking for a little light comic relief from the rather stressful days we are living in you will certainly enjoy and be fully entertained by this set of amusing anecdotes. Auriane’s collection of comical memories starts with her turning eighteen, when no fanfare goes off and when the earth doesn’t shift, she seeks out her friends to celebrate the way only teenagers know how. With drugs, alcohol and hilarious partying! Oh, and a trip to Mexico! I was touched by the episodes involving her friend Jason. When Auriane discovers that bar-tending is a more secure job than working for big corporations she embarks on a surprisingly lucrative and totally interesting new career. One memorable line from the book struck me and I read it three times… Baltimore can be dangerous, it’s good to have friends and she appreciated the protective eyes of the trans. prostitutes. I chuckled over her ‘slim pickens’ choices. The book has a few bad choices and one in particular led to a very bad date. On the other hand she had marvelous friends and together they had incredible experiences and great times.
AURIANE DE RUDDER’s main character is – Auriane De Rudder, so I think we can safely assume this is a collection of real life anecdotes taken from her youth. She has an eye for detail and a dry sense of humor which make this set of short stories engaging and fun. If you had a crazy youth yourself you will surely chuckle your way through this lighthearted, hilarious and memorable book. I totally enjoyed this interesting and funny book. Not Literary by Auriane de Rudder is a great escape into laughter, nostalgia and entertainment.
Buy Not Literary by Auriane de Rudder today!