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Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions
by Gary Lacarrubba
This collection will take on different meanings at different points in time. Many of the key themes have multiple messages. This is also the case in many interpretations of the vocabulary. Everyone has an individual perception of what truth is. These works are representative of this writer’s understanding of that entity.
It is my hope that this collection will inspire the realization within each reader that the true wisdom in life is one’s ability to believe in oneself. Thus, will it become possible to accept responsibility for our own actions? Once this end is accomplished, we can, each in his own right, make beneficial changes. Many have had this same dream since the dawn of time. It is this writer’s most ardent hope that this work will find acceptance within the heart of each reader. A further hope is that these perceptions will serve as an inspiration to each to establish a positive sense of self and a more cohesive view of the people around you.
Try to set gender aside in these works. Wherever possible, substitute people and situations within your own life and the lives of the loved ones around you.
Chick Lit Cafe book review
Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions by Gary Lacarrubba is an extraordinary collection of thought-provoking works that examine human nature and emphasize kindness towards self and others.
In its first piece, the work ponders over people’s inability to hear others’ viewpoints and accept differences in each other’s opinions. It lauds a person’s willingness to listen and show understanding which I feel is important because so many of us lack the ability to fully listen to others and understand where they are coming from and give them the validation they so need. The book describes God as kind and caring. It reflects on the biblical creation account in an unprecedented way and the theme of redemption. Self-value, showing love and grace, mercy to other people, self-awareness and wisdom are other themes included in the collection.
Reflections of Humanity contains many opportunities for introspection which relate to who we are and how we react and behave towards others. The opportunities help in changing aspects of ourselves that do not serve us and the people around us. Author, Gary Lacarrubba writes beautifully and includes important reminders about our individual self-worth and the value of others. The work contains eye-opening examinations of how humans have grown and become more violent towards each other.
To solve these problems, it includes timely solutions about how we could change the disorder and conflicts that are rife in our society today through compassion and understanding. The collection also includes important life lessons about being optimistic and looking for the good around us. The meaning of each piece in the book is straightforward and each work contains profound and life-changing wisdom. Vivid descriptions of Jesus’s suffering and crucifixion are included. They evoke striking images of the scenes they depict. They are followed by detailed reflections of what the crucifixion means and how his death and resurrection laid the foundation for redemption for all humanity.
Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions by Gary Lacarrubba is a powerful reminder of our value and our ability to positively impact other people’s lives. It contains hopeful, powerful and vital themes about hope, positivity, kindness and personal transformation. Chick Lit Café highly recommends Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions by Gary Lacarrubba. Book reviewed by Edith Emunah for Chick Lit Café .
Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions by Gary Lacarrubba
has been awarded first place in the
CLC Book Excellence Award for best Christian Faith book
Buy Reflections of Humanity: A Tapestry of Perceptions by Gary Lacarrubba
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