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The Poison of Perfection: A motivational self-help guide to a contented life by Angela Wadley
Are you tired of the endless pursuit of perfection and the impact it has on your life?
Do you struggle with accepting and celebrating yourself just as you are? If so, “The Poison of Perfection” written by Angela Wadley, a Board Certified NLP/EFT/Time Techniques Practitioner/Hypnotist & Success Coach, is the book for you.
In this practical and easy-to-implement guide, Angela covers the negative effects of perfectionism on various aspects of your life, including your relationships, career, and personal growth. She provides practical and insightful tips and techniques to help you let go of unattainable perfection and instead pursue excellence, leading to genuine joy and fulfillment.
Whether you struggle with perfectionism in yourself, your dating life, your friendships, or your career goals, Angela’s book has got you covered. She also includes a bonus section on using meditation, yoga, and other activities to help you relax, appreciate your life now, and focus.
As a highly experienced coach and author, Angela’s writing is soaked in profound wisdom and teachings. She shares her knowledge to inspire change and ignite action in her readers.
Her coaching programs have helped numerous people to achieve their desired results, whether it be a loving relationship, better time management, or a more balanced mindset.
Stop hindering your own progress and start living your best life by embracing Angela’s advice in “The Poison of Perfection.” Let’s dive right in!
Chick Lit Café Book Review:
The Poison of Perfection by Angela Wadley is a remarkable, inspiring and encouraging read. Are you unhappy because everything isn’t perfect? Then you need to read this powerful mindset guide to find contentment and peace as you move toward excellence instead of perfection.
We are often our ‘own worst enemy’ making decisions from a not-so-perfect ethos… because without always fully realizing it, we are striving toward perfection. But perfection doesn’t exist! If you think it does, you really need to read this book. It’s an eye-opener! Angela Wadley in her wisdom and understanding shows us that striving for perfection does nothing but lead to discontentment and dissatisfaction. The very easy-to-understand, follow and implement steps in this wonderful guide will help you change how you see things and usher you toward contentment and happiness. The book explains how seeking perfection can have a negative impact and seriously affect how you see yourself, your friends, partners, and careers.
Angela Wadley is a remarkable writer and certainly cares about people, and her desire to see people achieve fulfillment shines through on all of the pages of this revitalizing, self-help, and personal growth book. The Poison of Perfection is a motivational book that will empower each reader by providing excellent strategies for self-improvement while living a life of peace and contentment. The Poison of Perfection by Angela Wadley is an extraordinary book and comes very highly recommended by Chick Lit Café.
Buy The Poison of Perfection by Angela Wadley – Click and Buy Here!!
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