RESILIENCE by Marcia DM – Book Review

by Marcia DM
Genres: Dark Romance, Suspense
Format: Kindle, Paperback

Alt-"resilience"RESILIENCE (Resilient Saga Book 1) by Marcia DM


Free her. That’s my mission.

However, in order to do that, I had to do unspeakable things to keep up appearances. I know Sarah hates me, that’s okay. I can take it as long as I can save her in the end. She wasn’t the reason why I took this mission, but she became the reason to end it.


Three long years in the dark.

Three years of not knowing ‘why me’.

But I do know this; sometimes freedom, love, and terror have the same name.

His name is Bruno.


This book contains strong language, violence and nudity intended for mature audiences.

Reader discretion is advised.



Cassandra was abducted and held captive for three years. During that time, she was tortured by the very same man every time. She has no idea why she was abducted, held captive or tortured. She has no idea how long she has been there. She has lost all her emotions and partial feeling in her body due to all the beatings and maltreatment. Then, one day, out of the blue, she is rescued and taken to the hospital to recover. While there, her rescuer removes his mask and reveals himself. It is none other than the man that tortured her while she was locked up for the three years. He explains that he is a double agent and had to do the unspeakable things to her to make her captors think he was working for them. He is remorseful and tender towards Cassandra. He has deep feelings for her and Cassandra is nothing but confused. That’s when this one of a kind story really takes off and becomes an unpredictable dark romance filled with intrigue and surprising shocking events.

Resilience by Marcia DM is an exciting dark romance story filled with intrigue, suspense and emotion. I was captivated from the very first chapter and turned the pages quickly to find out what would happen next. This book has a very original storyline that readers will be enthralled with. There are twists and turns that kept me fully mesmerized. Author, Marcia DM, weaves together the characters with the plot in an intelligent brilliant attempt to entice readers from beginning to end. It truly is one of the most unique narratives that I have read in a long time. I can’t stress it enough-this book is a must read.

The characters in this book are remarkable, with interesting and irresistible personalities. They are extremely well developed and fleshed out. Readers will be fascinated by them. Cassandra has been through so much torment, but she is still strong and able to function. The eternal dialogue that Cassandra has with herself is well written, absorbing and relatable. The discourse between the characters is equally well composed and engrossing.

Resilience by Marcia DM will have readers wanting more from this author. It is engaging, riveting, gripping and highly entertaining. Although it is a dark read, there is romance and humor as well.

I will be recommending this book to my closest friends and certainly to all avid readers that crave a great compelling read.

Purchase Resilience by Marcia DM @Amazon Today

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