The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War by Greg Kater

by Greg Kater
Genres: Adventure, Espionage, Historical, War
Format: Paperback

Alt="The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War"The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War by Greg Kater


The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War encapsulates the investigation into the post-war activities of a major criminal organization with tentacles to the USA, Australia and South East Asia. When a fishing boat is discovered in distress in rough seas northwest of Darwin in late 1945, former army officer, Jamie Munro, and educated half-caste Warramunga aborigine, Jack “Jacko” O’Brien, who head the CIS in Darwin, are called on to investigate child smuggling operations financed by a shadowy ring of wealthy pedophiles.

This book is the second book of a trilogy. This follows The Warramunga’s War detailing the meeting of Jamie and Jacko on the battlefield during the Second World War and their activities working together with MI6 in intelligence during the remainder of the war.


The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War by Greg Kater is the second book in Greg Kater’s trilogy and follows on from the first book, The Warramunga’s War. Jamie Munro and Jacko O’Brien formed their friendship during book one, and now work together for the CIS in Darwin, Australia. Jamie had been an Army Officer during the war, and Jacko is a Warramunga Aborigine. They are called upon to investigate after a boat is discovered near to capsize in stormy seas north of Darwin. The boat’s cargo and crew raise suspicions and are suspected of involvement in a child smuggling operation from the Philippines. Set in late 1945, Jamie and Jacko find themselves embroiled in a far more sinister situation than they could ever have imagined. The story encompasses kidnap and blackmail, callous murder of innocents and guilty alike, bush adventure, deception and duplicity, with a little touch of romance thrown in.

The author, Greg Kater, has really woven a remarkable adventure that grips from page one and keeps the reader eagerly turning pages to the very end. There is nothing lacking in this tale that shows the depths of depravity a man will go to when ruled by greed. The main characters are all well developed, believable, and authentic and the exciting scenarios are totally engrossing, with even a little humour thrown in so that it can be said that this story has it all. For readers who love a good adventure, this is for them. For those who enjoy a tense and enthralling storyline, this is also for them.

Extremely well written, with a fast, consistent pace, The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War takes the reader on a journey into the wilds of the Australian Outback, where crocodiles abound and hunt in the billabongs, and the clever and resourceful Jacko uses his Aboriginal knowledge and guile to make the lives of the kidnappers cum child smugglers as miserable and challenging as possible.

Jamie and Jacko don’t know who can be trusted as they find corruption at every turn. So they trust no-one, and rely on their own skills and knowledge to do what needs to be done to find justice for the innocent victims of the child smuggling ring. Traversing the Northern Territory, the Philippines, and even the USA, Jamie and Jacko and their small team of trusted colleagues put their very lives at risk in this awesome tale full of intrigue and conspiracy that will leave the reader wanting more and more from this writer. A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Reviewed by Jane Finch for Chick Lit Café

Purchase The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War by Greg Kater @Amazon Here

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