Awakening by Jacob M. Callcut 

Awakening by Jacob M. Callcut
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Awakening by Jacob M. CallcutAlt="Awakening"

It’s been four years since I knew who I was.

Had I known I’d be robbed of my memory I’d have made a copy, but you don’t get that luxury. So I don’t know who I am, where I come from. All I know is I am here now, wading through raw sewage, muck coating my hands and knees, but that’s little price to pay in exchange for freeing these two from this place.

Perhaps if I could recall who I was I’d understand where my drive to protect these strangers comes from. Maybe I’d know why I ended up at the Facility. Yet I sense saving this couple is the key to unlocking my memories, to rediscovering my truth. I think, or is it I simply hope, that they’re the link to finding the person I was and who I am supposed to be; the answer to the voices in my head. The reason the stars call to me, as if I’m part of the fabric of space itself.

The morning sunlight ahead guarantees their safety, and will be the dawn of my AWAKENING…

CLBC Book Review:

A soft entry to sci-fi adventure fantasy, Jacob M. Callcut’s Awakening calls to fiction enthusiasts with its outrageously good plot and stellar writing. You won’t want to put it down!

The protagonist (whose name can’t be revealed just yet, as she doesn’t know it) doesn’t remember much about who she is. But she does know she is trapped in a paramilitary camp and practically in love with Paul, an engaged man…for now anyway. As she plans her escape with Paul and his fiancée, she slowly regains her memory and, with it, her understanding of who she really is and why she is different from others in special ways.

Jacob M. Callcut writes at a stallion’s pace. He is swift and expertly throws the reader right in with the protagonist on her grand adventure. The story snakes back and forth between the past and the present, oftentimes with the reader knowing more about the protagonist than she does herself. One also feels as though they are her as they read. They feel her excitement, terror, confusion, and everything else that she encounters on her incredible journey. The characters and love interests are all unique, with compelling traits and antics. With tons of romance, adventure, and action, there are loads to enjoy here.

Awakening is a remarkable story of how a girl who can’t remember anything finds her true self in a world that has been turned upside down.  Awakening by Jacob M. Callcut is an intriguing and thrilling literary adventure, perfect for any fiction lover and comes highly recommended by Chick Lit Book Café..  Book reviewed by Micah Giordonela for Chick Lit Book Café – Multi-Genres Literary Website.

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Awakening by Jacob M. Callcut
CLBC Book Excellence Award Winner
For best
Science Fiction Adventure Novel
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